Posts from December 2022
Bible Reading Plan
Weekly Update – December 29th, 2022 This Sunday, there will be a number of Bible reading plans available for you to look at set on the organ bench in the sanctuary. You can also feel free to choose one from this website too, if you are interested. Each Bible reading plan set out and on the above website are varied in the days that you read, where you read, and how much you read. Every year I pick out a…
Christmas Gathering
Weekly Update – December 22nd, 2022 There seems to be this growing trend among many churches to cancel services on Christmas Day. For that matter, there are several others who will also cancel on New Year’s Day as well. Ruth Graham of the New York Times says, “Christmas Day falls on a Sunday for the first time since 2016, and that’s a problem.” Some pastors will give practical reasons for why they have cancelled church on these days saying, “it…
New Constitution
Weekly Update – December 15th, 2022 During our September members’ meeting, there was a document introduced to be considered as our new constitution for First Baptist Church. This document was adopted last Sunday night at our December members’ meeting (You can view the new constitution HERE). Some of the major changes that this new constitution would entail included a plurality of elders and a sort of redefinition for our deacons. There was also some clarification given to how we receive…
Upcoming Meeting
Weekly Update – December 8th, 2022 On Sunday night, we will meet for our final quarterly members’ meeting of the year. During this meeting, you will hear of updates from various ministries, be encouraged by what the Lord is doing in our church, have an opportunity to pray, and finally, participate in the decision making process of the church. The goal of members’ meetings are to create a family type of atmosphere where we can celebrate God’s hand at work,…
Lottie Moon Christmas Offering
Weekly Update – December 1st, 2022 The Christmas offering that we as Southern Baptists participate in every year is named in honor of a woman named Lottie Moon. On July 7, 1873, the Foreign Mission Board (now International Mission Board) of the Southern Baptist Convention appointed her a missionary to China. Lottie spent most of her missionary years in Tengchow and P’ingtu, China where she taught at mission schools and ministered to women. Through having immersed herself in Chinese culture,…