Weekly Update

Weekly Update

A Call to Evangelism

Weekly Update – July 25th, 2024 Our summer sermon series in Amos has been one of my favorites this year.  Not because I love to hear of judgment as given by Amos in his short book, but because of the number of men we had communicate it to us as a church.  It is probably no surprise to say that Amos is not the easiest book to understand.  You read about “the cows of Bashan” (4:1), “Sikkuth your king, and…

Pray for Authority

Weekly Update – July 18th, 2024 On Saturday, July 13th, just before 6:15pm, a shooter at a rally for Donald Trump shot the former president in the ear in an assassination attempt.  There has not been a president injured in an assassination attempt since Ronald Reagan was shot on March 31st, 1981. Therefore, what we witnessed just a few days ago, makes this a rare event in American history.  The next day, when we as a church gathered, we prayed…

Vacation Bible School 2024

Weekly Update – July 11th, 2024 This week, we have had the opportunity to host our annual Vacation Bible School. The theme for this year is, Breaker Rock Beach: God’s Rock Solid Truth in a World of Shifting Sands. Every day children from our church and all over our community have come to learn about truth is found in God and we should therefore follow his plan shown to us through Jesus Christ. Our memory verse for the week is from Romans…

4th of July Celebrations

Weekly Update – July 4th, 2024 Today is Independence Day. Many of us will celebrate it with cookouts, family get togethers, and fireworks. It was almost 250 years ago that the United States broke off from England, yet that revolutionary spirit still characterizes our country. As with those from other nations, many of us are proud of what our country stands for when it comes to freedom, liberty and the pursuit of whatever it is you want to become.  At…

Youth Camp Update

Weekly Update – June 27th, 2024 Last Saturday morning, 13 youth and 4 adult volunteers loaded up two 15 passenger vans to head off to Ascend Camp.  After months of planning and fundraising, we were finally ready to travel over to Lake Williamson in Carlinville, IL. Ascend Camp has been hosted by Mission Road Bible Church since 2012 and now has over 1000 students who attend every year.  I had the opportunity to have a front row seat at this…

SBC Update

Weekly Update – June 20th, 2024 Every year, the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) meets in June for its annual meeting.  The convention contains just over 50,000 churches with an average of 10,000 or so messengers attending this annual meeting on behalf of member churches.  The SBC was formed in 1845 with the singular purpose of, “eliciting, combining, and directing the energies of the Baptist denomination of Christians, for the propagation of the Gospel.”  First Baptist Church is an active member…

Reading Large Portions of Scripture

Weekly Update – June 13th, 2024 On Sunday morning, we took the time to read through the entire book of James.  For the last six months have spent most of our Sunday morning gatherings dissecting this letter written by James, the half-brother of Jesus. James is writing to many within with the church who have been scattered throughout for their faith in Jesus Christ (1:1).  They have undergone suffering (1:2, 5:7), injustice (5:4) and persecution (5:6) leading to the temptation…

Pray with Faith

Weekly Update – June 6th, 2024 In James 5:17-18 we read, “Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed fervently that it might not rain, and for three years and six months it did not rain on the earth.  Then he prayed again, and heaven gave rain, and the earth bore its fruit.” Last Sunday we looked at James 5:13-18 and the call to “Pray with Faith”. This passage is often debated, and for good reason,…

Redeeming Summer

Weekly Update – May 30th, 2024 In his book titled, Don’t Waste Your Life, John Piper says, “God created us to live with a single passion:  to joyfully display his supreme excellence in all the spheres of life.”  In other words, we live life to marvel at the grace of God and to display his greatness.  And we do this in every realm and in every function of our life.  So if we think about all spheres of life, we…

Summer Series

Weekly Update – May 23rd, 2024 One of my desires is that the preaching ministry of our church would cover the full range of scripture.  The reason for that is because we are not just New Testament Christians, but whole Bible Christians.  What that means is that not only should you find yourself reading Bible stories that you like, or only reciting popular verses, but you should seek to study everything from Genesis to Revelation.  That means that as an…

Biblical Sexuality Pt. 8

Weekly Update – May 16th, 2024 Over the last year, we have been slowly walking through our newly adopted statement on Biblical Sexuality.  There are nine points to this statement.  This week we will look at point eight.  Point one can before found HERE.  Point two, HERE.  Point three, HERE.  Point four, HERE.  Point five, HERE. Point six, HERE. Point seven, HERE.  Point eight is as follows: The grace of God in Christ gives both merciful pardon and transforming power. This pardon and power enable a…

Press on in Faith

Weekly Update – May 9th, 2024 As Christians, I doubt that any of us would say that we feel satisfied in how often we pray or in how committed we are to other spiritual disciplines.  We should always find ourselves striving to know the Lord better and seeking to deny ourselves and to serve other people.  But in the goal setting and striving for more, we ought not to find ourselves seeking to change everything.  Yes we want to follow…