Welcome to First Baptist Church of Grandview

Proclaiming and Displaying Jesus

Join us in person or through livestream at 10:30am Sunday morning.

Weekly Update

Live in Community

Weekly Update – February 6th, 2025  By nature, as human beings, we were all created to be with other people.  In fact, in Genesis 2:18 when God created Adam, he said, “it is not good that the man should be alone.”  That statement from Genesis points to the divine image that we reflect.  God, who created us, eternally exists as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  This means that God is not an isolated being, disconnected from anyone and everyone.  Instead,…

Dependent Prayer

Weekly Update – January 30th, 2025  In Luke 6:12 we see the dependency that Jesus had upon his father.  He spent all night in prayer seeking out the next step in his ministry as he prepared to choose his 12 disciples.  It wasn’t as if we see a denial of any of Jesus’ attributes here with his dependency upon God, but, as we all should be, Jesus lived dependent upon the Holy Spirit.  The clearest way that dependency upon the…

Keeping the Sabbath?

Weekly Update – January 23rd, 2025  Last Sunday, we saw Jesus interacting with the teachers of his day about the Sabbath.  The Sabbath, which was the seventh day of the week, began at sundown and ended at sundown the next day.  Yet, in Luke 6:1-11, Jesus and his disciples are castigated by these so-called teachers of the law for their supposed Sabbath breaking principles.  The problem is that the principles Jesus and his disciples were breaking were the additional laws…

Child Evangelism Fellowship

Weekly Update – January 16th, 2025  Last Sunday, we had the Snodgrass family share with us a bit about their ministry with Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF).  Then, Simon Snodgrass preached for us from Philippians 1:1-11.  What a joy it was to have them back with us after not having seen them in person since 2020.  Hannah joined our church back in 2018, and shortly after we began to support her ministry with CEF.  Once she and Simon married in 2019,…

I'm New Here

We welcome you to visit this Sunday…

Equipping Hour / Sunday School

All ages are invited to join us at 9:15am

Online Giving

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Want to give toward the sanctuary remodel?
Select the “Building Repair” fund when you give online.

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