Posts from September 2024

Posts from September 2024

The Value of Pre-Born Life

Weekly Update – September 12th, 2024 The topic of abortion seems to have grown even more contentious than normal over the last several months.  With the overturning of Roe v. Wade on June 24, 2022, our political cycle has jumped headlong into the perceived positives and negatives of this outcome as each presidential candidate seeks to make use of this decision to their own advantage.  Now, my point here is not to highlight the position of each political party, but…

The Virgin Birth

Weekly Update – September 5th, 2024 Last week, in our series through the gospel of Luke, we came to Luke 1:26-38 with the announcement of Jesus.  With the way being prepared for the Messiah, through the miraculous birth of John being announced (Luke 1:5-25), it only then follows that the birth of Jesus would be announced next.  There are many unique factors that go into this announcement, such as who God chose to deliver his Son into the world (Mary),…