Weekly Update – January 16th, 2025
Last Sunday, we had the Snodgrass family share with us a bit about their ministry with Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF). Then, Simon Snodgrass preached for us from Philippians 1:1-11. What a joy it was to have them back with us after not having seen them in person since 2020. Hannah joined our church back in 2018, and shortly after we began to support her ministry with CEF. Once she and Simon married in 2019, we continued to support her and now Simon together. They have since served in Ireland and they are now serving together in Lennoxtown, Scotland. Let me give you a brief recap of what they shared with us and how you can be further connected.
First, Simon and Hannah shared with us about Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF). CEF is the world’s largest evangelical children’s ministry. They exist in just about every country, except for countries that are opposed to any sort of Christian presence. CEF’s vision, as well as the Snodgrasses’ vision for ministry, is to see every child, in every nation, every day, reached with the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. To accomplish this vision, four pillars outline their work. They are:
Evangelize Children with the Gospel
Disciple Children in God’s Word
Establish them in a Local Bible Believing Church
Equip the Local Church
Scotland is one of the most secular places in all of Europe. In fact, there are only 8 CEF workers in Scotland, with Simon and Hannah being the only ones who are full-time. That leaves a lot of hard work ahead for Simon and Hannah, yet it is work that is loaded with potential for what the Lord might do in the future.
Second, Simon and Hannah shared with us about their ministry. Through their local church, Simon and Hannah lead a Good News Club for children and a Youth Challenge Club for older kids. Additionally, in connection with local churches, they lead Holiday Bible Clubs (VBS) during the summers. For many churches, through Simon and Hannah’s ministry with CEF, these Holiday Bible Clubs become catalysts to kick off Children Sunday School ministries, as well jump start other children’s programs. A third aspect of Simon and Hannah’s ministry is their 5-day week club partnership with CEF Ireland’s Momentum team. Here they have been able to partner with 4 churches in and around the town of Shotts, Scotland for these clubs. Fourthly, Simon and Hannah have been able to promote CEF. With only 8 workers in Scotland, Wales and Great Britain, gathering new volunteers and partnering with churches is a necessary pursuit in order to carry out the vision of CEF. Lastly, Simon and Hannah have been able to further train workers for CEF with the Children’s Ministry Training Course and the Teaching Children Effectively (TCE) training. These courses meet every two years and are filled with volunteers from all over Europe. Trainees of these courses typically go on to work with CEF, while others will take their training and use what they have learned to better serve children within their local church.
Third, Simon and Hannah shared with us an insight into their plans and needs. Their vision for the future is to see more children hear and ultimately believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ. They would love to see two more Good News Clubs open up in their area through their connection with local churches, more volunteers who are trained, and more outreach weeks. For this, they will need lots of prayer support, as well as additional financial support. Simon and Hannah revealed to us that they are about 20% short on this year’s budget so far. I share this need with you trusting that perhaps you might feel led to give to Simon and Hannah. If you are interested, talk with Simon and Hannah, or give to them directly HERE (make sure to designate their name for the gift). Additionally, consider praying for them if you don’t already. To get put on monthly update and bi-annual prayer sheet, you can email Simon at Simonsn@cefireland.
What a privilege it is to support the work of God around the world. Whether it be through prayer or giving, may we, with Simon and Hannah, long to see children reached through the gospel of Jesus Christ. With our connection to the Snodgrasses, we too can fulfill our vision of seeing our families, our community and ultimately our world, transformed by the power of God.
Serving Him with You,
Pastor Michael Nelson
Written by Pastor
Michael Nelson
Fighter Verse for the Week
Go and learn what this means: 'I desire mercy, and not sacrifice.' For I came not to call the righteous, but sinners..
-Matthew 9:13
Worship Jam Night: Beginning on Friday, January 31st at 6:30pm and on the final Friday of each month, there will be a worship jam night for all who are interested. The purpose of this event is to have fun and develop musical skill here at FBC for the glory of God. You don’t have to be a part of the praise team to participate. Bring any worship, hymn, or CCM song in a format that can be shared with the other musicians (like a chord chart or a lead sheet). See Martin for more details.
Choir Rehearsal: Rehearsals will begin on Wednesday, February 5th for all who are interested in singing during Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday and Easter Sunday. Times for rehearsal will be at 6:45pm and 8:00pm.
Valentine’s Fundraising Dinner: On Saturday, February 15th at 6:00pm the youth will be hosting a Valentine’s dinner in the Fellowship Hall. The suggested cost is $10 per person. Additionally, you can sign up to participate in our Family Feud game for $25 per person. Sign ups are in the hallway.
Lottie Moon Christmas Offering: Every year at this time, we raise funds to support missionaries all over the world who are serving with the International Mission Board (IMB). Our goal at First Baptist Church is to raise $10,000. If you haven’t already, will you consider partnering with us by giving, as we seek to support international missions? You can give on Sunday mornings through one of our offering boxes located in the foyer or the welcome center. Just mark your envelop as “missions” or “Lottie Moon.” Or you can give online HERE. Choose “missions” under the Fund tab. You can find more information about this offering HERE.
Food Pantry: The food pantry is currently in need of spaghetti noodles and spaghetti sauce, canned soup, canned vegetables, canned tuna, boxes of macaroni and cheese, cereal, and oatmeal. For a complete list of food pantry needs, click HERE.
Awana Bible Club
Awana is held at 6:30pm on Wednesdays throughout the school year. Dinner is at 6:00pm. Children can be registered HERE.
Equipping Hour
We have three classes held at 9:15am on Sunday mornings. “Firm Foundations” meets in the Sanctuary, a study in Isaiah in the Fellowship Hall, and a Ladies’ class studying the New Testament meets in the classroom next to the nursery. You can find more information HERE.
To Give Online, Go HERE.
You can also mail your offering to: 1416 Main Street, Grandview, MO. 64030
Home Groups
Home Groups typically meet on the first and third Sunday of each month. Please contact Pastor Michael if you would like to join a Home Group. You can find more information HERE.
An updated Prayer Guide can be accessed HERE.
Prepare for Sunday
Guide for Worship can be found HERE.
Worship Service
Worship Service begins at 10:30am on Sunday mornings. Nursery care for children ages 0-4 years is available during the worship hour.
Continue to join us at 10:30am on Sunday mornings.
Facebook live: HERE.
YouTube: HERE.
Join us and invite a friend or family member to watch with you.
Sunday School
Children and Youth Sunday School take place at 9:15am on Sunday mornings.
Ages 0-2 and 3-pre-k meet in the nursery suite.
Grades K-3rd meet upstairs in U-5.
Grades 4th-6th meet upstairs in U-6.
Grades 7th-12th meet downstairs in the youth room.