Weekly Update – December 26th, 2024
As we begin another year, it is hard not to reflect upon the year behind us and aspire to new things in the year ahead. Typically most people will set goals to eat better (71%) or exercise (65%), as they approach a new year, but according to the New York Post, most people give up by January 12th. That doesn’t sound very hopeful, does it? I don’t think that means that we don’t set personal goals for ourselves though. It is still good to acknowledge areas that need growth in our lives and strive to change. Nevertheless, one challenge that I would like to extend to you this New Year involves your relationship with the church. The hope that I have for success in this challenge comes through the Lord’s strength, but also through the accountability that comes in setting a collective goal together as a church.
Therefore, I want to encourage you in anticipation of a new year, not to something new or to something big, but to something ordinary. We as a people typically like big, grand and new things, but it is the way that we handle the ordinary things in life that shape us into who we are, even as a church. With that being the case, here are three goals that I want us all to pursue this year.
First, I want to encourage you to be in the Word of God. For this, I want to pass along to you a few Bible reading plans:
The first one is called the 5 X 5 X 5 Plan. You can find it HERE.
The second one is called The Discipleship Journal Bible Reading Plan. You can find it HERE
The third one is called Through the Bible in a Year Plan. You can find it HERE.
The final one is called The Two Year Plan. You can find it HERE.
You can also find these plans printed out for you and available on the organ this coming Sunday. In addition to Bible Reading, every week in the update, we post a fighter verse and the order of service for Sunday. I would encourage you to strive to memorize the verse posted and prepare yourself for worship on Sunday.
Second, I want to encourage you to be in prayer. If you struggle to know what to pray for, or want to simply bring a bit of variety to your prayer life, you can find an example of what to pray for HERE. Additionally, you can keep up with our church prayer list HERE. Also, if you are looking for a good resource to help aid your prayer life, there is a short book titled Praying The Bible. You can find it HERE.
Third, I want to encourage you to further connect with the church. Below are seven encouragements for how you can do this:
- Be Present: Make Sunday morning a priority.
- Go Deeper: Connect in an Equipping class, home group, or a Bible study.
- Form Intentional Relationships: Commit to meet with another member one-on-one on a regular basis.
- Serve: Be aware of opportunities and seek to meet needs within the church.
- Give Consistently
- Pray for the church: Pray for the elders, deacons, Sunday school teachers, ministry leaders, other members, events, and so on.
- Join: There is no reason to link arms with the church, if you are not a member. Encourage those who have been visiting for a while to consider joining.
As you set your New Year’s resolutions this year, consider doing so with the ordinary in mind. Specifically, consider how you might pursue the above ordinary goals with the church. The aim here is not to heap requirements or additional tasks upon you, but to push you in the ordinary means of growth given to us as Christians. My hope is that in 2025, not only would you grow individually as a Christian, but that together, we as a church might grow in maturity, as we attain to the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God (Eph. 4:13).
Serving Him with You,
Pastor Michael Nelson
Written by Pastor
Michael Nelson
Fighter Verse for the Week
[Therefore,] my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.
-1 Corinthians 15:58
Awana: No Awana on December 25th or January 1st. Awana will resume on January 8th.
Preaching: Dan Holsten will be preaching on Sunday, December 29th.
The Snodgrasses: Simon and Hannah Snodgrass will be sharing with us about their ministry in Scotland on Sunday, January 5th. Simon Snodgrass will also be preaching on this date.
Lottie Moon Christmas Offering: Every year at this time, we raise funds to support missionaries all over the world who are serving with the International Mission Board (IMB). Our goal at First Baptist Church is to raise $10,000. If you haven’t already, will you consider partnering with us by giving, as we seek to support international missions? You can give on Sunday mornings through one of our offering boxes located in the foyer or the welcome center. Just mark your envelop as “missions” or “Lottie Moon.” Or you can give online HERE. Choose “missions” under the Fund tab. You can find more information about this offering HERE.
Food Pantry: The food pantry is currently in need of spaghetti noodles and spaghetti sauce, canned soup, canned vegetables, canned tuna, boxes of macaroni and cheese, cereal, and oatmeal. For a complete list of food pantry needs, click HERE.
Awana Bible Club
Awana is held at 6:30pm on Wednesdays throughout the school year. Dinner is at 6:00pm. Children can be registered HERE.
Equipping Hour
We have three classes held at 9:15am on Sunday mornings. “Firm Foundations” meets in the Sanctuary, a study in Isaiah in the Fellowship Hall, and a Ladies’ class studying the New Testament meets in the classroom next to the nursery. You can find more information HERE.
To Give Online, Go HERE.
You can also mail your offering to: 1416 Main Street, Grandview, MO. 64030
Home Groups
Home Groups typically meet on the first and third Sunday of each month. Please contact Pastor Michael if you would like to join a Home Group. You can find more information HERE.
An updated Prayer Guide can be accessed HERE.
Prepare for Sunday
Guide for Worship can be found HERE.
Worship Service
Worship Service begins at 10:30am on Sunday mornings. Nursery care for children ages 0-4 years is available during the worship hour.
Continue to join us at 10:30am on Sunday mornings.
Facebook live: HERE.
YouTube: HERE.
Join us and invite a friend or family member to watch with you.
Sunday School
Children and Youth Sunday School take place at 9:15am on Sunday mornings.
Ages 0-2 and 3-pre-k meet in the nursery suite.
Grades K-3rd meet upstairs in U-5.
Grades 4th-6th meet upstairs in U-6.
Grades 7th-12th meet downstairs in the youth room.