Weekly Update – October 10th, 2024
No one ever expects their town to be the one hit when the storm warnings appear. The storm’s path may be predicted, the weather sirens may go off, the skies may be black and a tornado may even appear, but hope is always held out until the last minute that disaster may somehow be averted. This was not the case for many in Florida this week. As residents packed up and left under mandatory evacuations, they have done so expecting the worst from Hurricane Milton. This hurricane was expected to be one of the worst storms to ever hit southwest Florida and many places experienced total devastation. To make matters worse, many who are experiencing the wrath of Milton were dealt a significant blow less than two weeks ago with Hurricane Helene. Unfortunately, this is nothing new. Every year we see tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, and fires. But in the midst of these disasters, the natural question that comes to the minds of many is, “Where is God?” Is he somehow hands off when it comes to devastation. Or is destruction his judgment on a particular city or region? But instead of questioning the intentions of God, we ought to see natural disaster as a sign of the mercy of God. Here are two reasons why:
First, in the past, some such as Pat Robertson and Hal Lindsey were quick to claim that such disasters are evidence of the wrath of God against certain people. Now it is going to be hard to prove God’s intentions when allowing disaster, so we probably shouldn’t try. What we do know is that when we see disaster, we ought not to be quick to build up our own pride in thinking that our righteousness has somehow caused God to protect us and judge others, but instead we ought to examine our own hearts and see if we are rightly following the Lord. In Luke 13, a group approached Jesus implying certain disasters that had occurred in the past were evidence of God’s judgment against certain people. We notice that Jesus does not respond by affirming the judgment of those afflicted in disaster, but instead he says in verse 3, “unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.” Then in verse 6, Jesus gives a parable about a fig tree that is not producing fruit and claims that he will give the tree one more year to shows signs of life. This passage teaches us that instead of wondering what a hurricane or a natural disaster means about God’s view of a city, state or our nation, we ought to see our being spared from disaster as the mercy of God in giving us, if needed, another opportunity for repentance.
Second, when disaster came upon Job’s household, his response to God was, “Have I sinned? What have I done to you, O watcher of men?” (Job 7:20). Job, thought along the lines of David from Psalm 10 wondering why the wicked prosper while he and his family lie in ruin. Through this trial, God teaches Job a lesson in his sovereignty causing Job to eventually respond by saying, “I know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted. Who is this that hides counsel without knowledge? Therefore I have declared that which I did not understand, things too wonderful for me, which I did not know” (Job 42:2-3). Job comes to the point where he recognizes that God’s purposes are too vast for us to always comprehend and that his ways are too wonderful to always be understood. It reminds us of the hymn by William Cowper titled, “God Works in Mysterious Ways.” His ways are far above our ways and his thoughts are far above ours (Is. 55:9). Therefore, just as disaster wakes us up towards repentance so too it should remind us of God’s sovereignty over every event in the universe and lead us towards humility in our own thoughts and trust in his ways. This too is the mercy of God.
So as we try to comprehend the utter disaster and destruction from Hurricane Milton as well as from other natural disasters, let us pray for those affected, but let us also see the mercy of God through his plans and purposes. We ought to be filled with humility as we see our inability to control the events of this world, but we should also be moved towards repentance as we consider a brief snippet of the judgement to come. And through all of this we ought to keep our minds with the apostle John, as we view the world around us, saying “Come Lord Jesus.”
Serving Him with You,
Pastor Michael Nelson
Written by Pastor
Michael Nelson
Fighter Verse for the Week
[For] the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
-Romans 6:23
Membership Matters Class: Beginning Sunday, October 6th, there will be a Membership Matters Class for those interested in joining FBC. This will be a 4 week class (10/6, 10/13, 10/20, 10/27), meeting at 9:15am during our Equipping/Sunday School hour. You can find out more about our membership process HERE.
Nursery Check-In: Parents of children ages 0-4 will check in their children at the computer station in the Welcome Center. Once you check in your child, a label for your child will print and that card will be used to drop off and pick up your child. Monica Smith will be available to help, if necessary.
Sunday Evening Service: Our next Sunday evening service will be on Sunday, October 13th at 6:00pm. On this evening we will pray together and hear from Matthew Klika as he preaches from 1 John 1:5-10.
Grandview High School: On Thursday, October 17th, we will be feeding the Grandview High School Football Team. We need you to bring chilli and desserts. If you would like to help, please have your food to the church by 5:00pm next Thursday. If you have questions, talk to Amy Blankenship.
Going Away Party: We will have a going away party for Carolyn Wilson following the morning service on Sunday, October 20th. Snacks and cake will be served. If you would like to bring a snack to share, please contact Fran Bowman.
Fall Festival: On Sunday, October 27th from 5:00-7:00pm, we will host a fall festival at the church. We will have trunk or treat, chili or soups, hot dogs, hot chocolate and a fire pit. Help us fill up our candy barrel before the event, and sign up in the hall to help on that night.
Missouri Missions Offering: Every year, along with nearly 1,800 other churches, our church partners to pray and give concerning the Lord’s work in our state. The statewide goal is $750,000 this year. Our church goal is $4500. I hope that you will consider praying and giving to this effort throughout this month. As with your normal offering, you can give in person, by mail or online. Just mark MMO when you do give. Check out more information about this effort HERE.
Operation Christmas Child: We have shoeboxes available for you to fill and send with Samaritan’s Purse “Operation Christmas Child.” Shoeboxes and more information are available in the first classroom after the Welcome Center.
Resource Health: We are collecting $10 gift cards from Quik-Trip to donate to Resource Health. You can either donate a gift card or put money in an envelope and mark it “Resource Health” and put it in the offering box.
Missions Need: Simon and Hannah Snodgrass will be with us December, January and February. They are in need of a car while they are back home visiting. If you can help, please contact the church office.
Christmas Choir: During Awana and Youth, from 6:45-7:45pm, Wednesday nights, a choir will begin rehearsing for the Christmas Season. If you have any questions, see Martin Maharas.
Ladies’ Bible Study: This will be a 10-week study of Revelation: Eternal King, Everlasting Kingdom by Jen Wilkin. Morning and evening sessions will be held on Tuesdays, beginning on September 10th. Details are on the bulletin board.
Men’s Bible Study: This men’s study is based on the book, The Exemplary Husband. The study is held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday night of each month at 8:00pm in the library. If you are interested see Clint Blankenship.
Awana Bible Club
Awana is held at 6:30pm on Wednesdays throughout the school year. Dinner is at 6:00pm. Children can be registered HERE.
Equipping Hour
We have three classes held at 9:15am on Sunday mornings. “Firm Foundations” meets in the Sanctuary, a study in the Essentials of the Faith in the Fellowship Hall, and a Ladies’ class studying the the book of Acts meets in the classroom next to the nursery. You can find more information HERE.
To Give Online, Go HERE.
You can also mail your offering to: 1416 Main Street, Grandview, MO. 64030
Home Groups
Home Groups typically meet on the first and third Sunday of each month. Please contact Pastor Michael if you would like to join a Home Group. You can find more information HERE.
An updated Prayer Guide can be accessed HERE.
Prepare for Sunday
Guide for Worship can be found HERE.
Volunteers Needed
Contact Monica for more information on how you can serve during the 10:30am service time.
Worship Service
Worship Service begins at 10:30am on Sunday mornings. Nursery care for children ages 0-4 years is available during the worship hour.
Continue to join us at 10:30am on Sunday mornings.
Facebook live: HERE.
YouTube: HERE.
Join us and invite a friend or family member to watch with you.
Sunday School
Children and Youth Sunday School take place at 9:15am on Sunday mornings.
Ages 0-2 and 3-pre-k meet in the nursery suite.
Grades K-3rd meet upstairs in U-5.
Grades 4th-6th meet upstairs in U-6.
Grades 7th-12th meet downstairs in the youth room.