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Gathering for Spiritual Well-Being
Weekly Update – November 19th, 2020 As many of you have heard, there have been updated orders released by Jackson County regarding the spread of Covid 19. By God’s grace, the county exempted churches from this updated order, so we will continue to meet and function as we have been for the past several weeks. This has been a sticky issue since the beginning. There is no real black and white of it, which is why decisions regarding how we…
Connect Consistently
Weekly Update – November 13th, 2020 As we have talked about numerous times over the last several months, community is extremely important when we are told to live in a sort of isolation. That may sound ironic, but the truth is, being isolated and socially distanced doesn’t necessarily mean we have to be lonely. Sure nothing can replace physical interaction with others. But there are still numerous ways that we can feel connected with each other though many of us…
Steadfast Faith
Weekly Update – November 5th, 2020 Dear Church Family, We are living in a difficult time right now. That is not something I need to tell you though. You have seen the effects of Covid-19, you are living in uncertainty of the presidential election, and perhaps you are experiencing or have experienced your own sufferings over the past several months. During these times it is imperative for us to remember what it is that we talked about on Sunday. Let…
Seeing in the Darkness
Weekly Update – October 29th, 2020 Dear Church Family, Instead of returning to our series through The Sermon on the Mount, I want us to take a week and look at a passage from the book of Job that deals with suffering. One of the aspects of being a pastor is that there are parts of your personal life that are lived out publically. This includes joys and celebrations, but it also includes times of suffering. Less than two weeks…
Church Directory 2020
Weekly Update – October 22nd, 2020 Dear Church Family, On December 7th and 8th, we will have a photographer here to take pictures for our new church directory. I know that this is kind of early, but I wanted to begin getting the word out so that you can make plans to have your picture made. For those of you who are comfortable, there will be a schedule available in the next few weeks to sign up on. For those…
The Sinfulness of Sin
Weekly Update – October 15th, 2020 As we continue to look at the Sermon on the Mount, there is a common theme that shines through. That theme is the heart. This theme comes through in Matthew 5:20 when Jesus tells us that our righteousness must exceed even the religiously elite. Essentially that means we must be perfect to be acceptable before God. The problem is that this is impossible. Jesus shows us this in Matthew 5:22. Here Jesus tells us…
Trunk or Treat 2020
Weekly Update – October 9th, 2020 Every year in October we have our fall festival. Last year we had somewhere around 300-400 people who came through our church, ate chili, enjoyed a hayride and received candy. Due to Covid-19, this year may look a little different. This year, on October 31st from 6-8pm, the plan is to only have the trunk or treat portion outside in our front parking lot. We will release the health guidelines for this event in…
Missouri Baptist Children’s Home 2020
Weekly Update – October 2nd, 2020 This week we will have Joe Nogalski with us during our morning worship service. Joe serves as the regional representative for Kansas City for the Missouri Baptist Children’s Home. The Missouri Baptist Children’s Home is one of the organizations our Missouri Baptist State offerings funds for service. As stated on their website, for more than 130 years, Missouri Baptist Children’s Home (MBCH) has shown God’s love to hurting children, youth and families. Originally founded…
A Satisfied Life
Weekly Update – September 25th, 2020 Last week during our worship service, we looked at Matthew 5:13-16. The main call from this passage was to live as salt and light in this unbelieving world. There is no option to this type of lifestyle as a Christian. If your tastes have been satisfied through the living water that Jesus offers, then you will live a life that will reflect that reality. Essentially living as salt means that our actions will confirm…
Parallels in Scripture
Weekly Update – September 18th, 2020 On Sunday mornings we will be in two different studies. In our service time, we will continue through The Sermon on the Mount. Then during our Bible Study hour, we will be in the book of James. Contrary to first impressions though, these are not necessarily two separate studies. Sure they are in two different places of Scripture, but there are a lot of parallels between the two. Consider some of the topics addressed…
Missouri Missions Offering
Weekly Update – September 11th, 2020 This Sunday officially kicks off our emphasis on Missouri State Missions. Along with nearly 1,800 other churches, our church partners to pray and give concerning the Lord’s work in our state. To understand a bit more about what this means, here is a description from our Missouri Baptist Website: “Imagine helping a prison inmate in Jefferson City earn a four-year biblical studies degree from Hannibal-LaGrange University, and thus transform the prison culture as a…